Thursday, April 21, 2005
  Group-think News-flash
During my normal geeky wasting time ritual of reading slashdot I came across this post. Now if you read the first (highly moderated) comments they immediatly start proclaiming Mac OS X's greatness, even though that's slightly off topic. Now, I like OS X a lot, but slashdot used to be the lair of the Linux nerd. Something like this post happens all the time. There's some story about some computer system or OS and every one starts putting on their OS X fanboy uniforms. It's true all the more when Longhorn is brought up. So the slash-group-think seems to be saying, OS X is in, Linux is sooooo 90's. Oh and all that open source / free software idealism, it's gone because shiny widgets and the iPod are so sweet.
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