Sunday, October 31, 2004
  Could it be...a new post?
Man, it's been a while since I've posted. Grad-school's got me worked up into a frenzy. I just finshed midterms (besides my take-home midterm), so I've been lazy this weekend (which was probably a bad idea.)

As a follow up to my last post (in case anyone cares) I ended up using green pens. Purple was a little too much like Barney for me. My algebra professor does grade in purple though, so it must be catching on at the grad-school level too (yes, grad-school not grade school). The trick to grading is not to get so bogged down in details, or you'll end up spending more than 15 hours grading one homework. Yep, learned that by experiance.
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I'm a graduate student in mathematics at Texas A&M University

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