Yellow Dog?
Just for the sake of being geeky, I installed
Yellow Dog Linux on my iBook. I finally got it up an running, so I hit the icon for Mozilla and nothing. No Mozilla. No web browser. I swear I installed it. No problem, I'll just find the software installer and add it. Oh, where is the software installer program? So I spend 20 minutes or so trying to just get a web browser installed. That made me want to go back to my nice, safe
OS X. Linux is gone from my life (for now.) I know, that's not a really great basis for judging a system. I'm sure Yellow Dog is a good Linux distro, but I can't be seperated from my beloved OS X.
Linux is good for a lot of things. Servers, scientific computing, and programming come to mind. It's good at web browsing, email, and chat too. It's when it gets to the media side of desktop computing that it's lacking. OS X (and, ugh, Windows) are better for the "digital lifestyle."